A national meet up for all interested or already involved in getting tech and wifi to those who need it.
Thursday 14th January 6.30pm to 8pm – register here
Throughout the UK since lockdown initiatives like Digital Access West Yorkshire have sprung up to meet the needs of people who have neither access to technology or wifi.
Our mission with the support of Solidaritech CIC was to ‘Act Fast, Act Local’ and get technology sitting idle to those who needed it quickly, both adults and families with children.
A small group of volunteers came together and used their different skills to put an agile process in place and take in donations to repurpose and safely distribute via referral partners.
Over the last 9 months we have now repurposed over 200 preloved devices, now in the hands of their next owners and connecting more people.
Since January’s latest lockdown we’re being asked by people all over the country to share our learning and for local initiatives to make a difference where they are. We also know that there is a wealth of peers doing exactly this and we’d love to share lessons learnt and collaborate further.
We want to welcome everybody (via Zoom) interested in learning and sharing their experiences of digital access projects wherever you are to a meet up on 14th January 6.30pm to 8pm.
We aim to catalyse a peer to peer network of DIY, Local, and National approaches where we can learn from each other, create a map of what, who and how, and amplify each other’s initiatives.
What can we all achieve if we join forces?
Register for the event here, it’d be great if you could join us!
Header image by Thomas Park on Unsplash