The Problem
The scale of the crisis created by Covid 19 has laid bare needs across society. For many of us the internet performs a basic function, allowing us to access information and communicate with each other.
Access to technology and digital skills are not just important in themselves, they are increasingly important for how we navigate the modern world. The effect of home-schooling has been overwhelming on children and young people during the lockdown, and we know that social connectivity can help them to maintain friendships and belonging throughout this time of isolation. Help us to support children and families across the region by addressing inequalities and a digital divide, making sure that more people can connect during this difficult time.
This is especially so with schools suspended, and people isolating.
What We’re Doing to Help
We’re trying to bridge this gap and are working with community groups and teachers to make sure we can support in the best possible and quickest way. In the first instance we’re appealing to those with spare machines and asking if they can donate them to children and families in need.
Can You Help?
We’re looking for machines that are relatively new. They don’t need to be particularly new or high-powered, but they will need to be able to run a basic browser and/or a basic office suite without too many problems.
Also, if you’re an IT manager who has unused kit then we would love to help.
Who We Are…So Far
We’re a group with a range of experience across the cultural and education sectors, specialising in culture and engagement, the role of play and digital access. We’re joined by a commitment to just do whatever small bit we can, and a sense that digital access is both useful in itself, but also its connection to other capabilities (online services, connecting with others etc).